A flip page effect like book
A food delivery app prototype UI
A Torch like effect overlay on images gallery
A Vanilla JS slider with dragging support, slide indicator buttons, next and prev slide button are added. User can use either way to change the slide.
A maths quiz application with dynamic operators, no. of questions, no. of operands and max operands value option with support of time tracking. Build with React/Redux.
A movies searching application with Title, Country, Genre, Cast options to search for. Build with server side rendering using Express/EJS.
A todo application with support of persistant todos and Login with pre-existing accounts without server interaction using browser storage. Build using React/Express.
A text/emoticons chat application with support of text emotion detection in group chat. Build using React/Express
A Covid19 cases visual maps information country wise. Build using Gatsby and Leaflet.
A fun application to track last year Santa's route of gifts distribution and count. Build using Gatsby and Leaflet.
A dynamic Math's table generator.
A Vanilla JS WYSIWYG editor. Build using help from several resources.
A basic responsive template using CSS Grids.
A 3d box like card with HTML/CSS. Build using help from several resources.
A file type input field to get image file to upload to the server. Show Actual Image and Upload preview via Canvas.